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Agricultural Economics Review
ISSN: 1109-2580

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Agricultural  Economics Review

Submission Guidelines

Title page: On a separate page, include the title of the manuscript, the name of the author  and his full address. Do not write the name of the author on the first page of the text.
Length: Manuscripts submitted for publication should not exceed 16 typewritten pages with tables, graphs and references included.
Abstract: An abstract of 100 words or less must be also submitted, followed by six keywords.
Text preparation: Double space all text and write on A4 size paper. Use a 12-point Times New Roman font and  allow  3cm  margins  on  all  sides.  Each new paragraph should have a 5mm tab. The manuscript should be written in Word for Windows V. 7.0 format.
Footnotes: Number  footnotes  consecutively  throughout  the  paper,  not  page  by  page . Type   all footnotes on a separate page following the article. Do not place footnotes at the bottom of manuscript pages.
References: References  should  be  given  according  to  the  Harvard system, in alphabetical order by author and on a separate page at the end of the paper.
Figures and Tables: Two - instead of three - dimensional  graphs should be used. Computer-generated graphics (Microsoft Excel, Corel Presentations, Word Perfect) are preferred.  Place each figure and table  on  a  separate  page at  the end of the manuscript. Do not place figure caption within graphics image.
Maths / Equations: Number  equations  consecutively  throughout  the  text.  When  displaying equations, place equation  number  within  parentheses  and  center the equation. Use italics for all variables, and boldface (not italics) for all vectors - both within equations and within the main text.
Review: The  editors  will  send  all  submitted  manuscripts to at least  two reviewers of their choice according to the content of the paper.
Submission: Send three printed copies  and e-mail as well, to the address below. Receipt of manuscripts will be acknowledged by return mail.

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